Friday, December 4, 2009

A Letter From A Visitor:

Dear Members of Faith Presbyterian Church,

I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye before I left for Atlanta, as events would have it when I put my 2 weeks notice in, I worked that Sunday and was completely in bed with a sinus infection my last Sunday in Huntsville.

But I wanted to thank all of you. I only attended for about a month and a half, from mid-August until in October when I left. It was not a very long time. But your kindness and Christ-like actions made a profound impact on my life.

The last seven years of my life have been tumultuous for my faith. I grew up Roman Catholic, and got a rude awakening to the rest of Christianity in high school. The one thing that has single-handedly driven me from Christianity were Christians themselves. It has been a very painful path. So when I first came to your church, it was with great trepidation, fear, and honestly, a lot of anger. I even “tested” it the Saturday before.

But you took me in. You invited me to lunch, and to the C3 group. You listened, and did not condemn me for my upbringing. You were understanding, and looked at me with (as I think Becca Phillips put it during the kids’ sermon one Sunday) eyes of love. I had been convinced by so many that God’s love did not extend to me. You all challenged that. Christ says “whatever you do to the least of these, you do unto me.” And I want you to know your treasure is in heaven, because Christ is IN YOU. Really and truly in each one of you and in your congregation.

I for so long felt outcast, a pariah. But not at Faith Presbyterian. I saw, on September 11th, you work diligently with members of other faiths (Catholic and Muslim among them!) for His Glory. I witnessed the Blood Drive you hosted. And the beginning of a food drive. I witnessed Christ in action. There is something I heard growing up, that our lives may be the only Christ, the only Bible, someone ever knows. Another thing I was taught was “Preach the gospel at all times. If necessary use words.” (St. Francis of Assisi) Thank you for LIVING Christ.

I won’t lie and say I came back to Atlanta and am hunky dory and peachy. I won’t lie and say there isn’t a skeptical or cynical bone left in my body. There is. There are many things I have to work out. There is still some anger to let go of. Forgiveness to be had. Baby steps. Baby steps. But thank you for renewing in me a faith I thought I had lost. I was lost but now am found, blind but now I see. His Amazing Grace brought me to you. (and by the way, if I’m ever in Huntsville, it will bring me back!).

Thank you. With love, A Visitor at Faith

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful! How Familiar! I wrote a similar letter 25 years ago when I joined Faith Church.

    God has used us - again! And it is very humbling!
